

PizzaDAO is a global community of Artists, creators and pizza lovers that believe pizza shud be free


Our Mission

We are a global community of hackers, pizza enthusiasts, NFT creators, collectors, artists and rebels that want to change the pizza industry (and the world!). PizzaDAO’s community is made up of new entrants to the industry and members that have been in the Web3 space for years, including several Gitcoin KERNEL Fellows and past award recipients. PizzaDAO alumni now work on countless other projects in the Web3 space, a direct result of our commitment to education and onboarding.

Throw a global pizza party, “Free Pizza Day”, every Bitcoin Pizza Day (May 22) in honor of Laszlo Hanyecz’s purchase of 2 pizzas for 10,000 BTC on May 22nd, 2010.

Build the world’s largest pizza community by inviting pizza lovers, pizzaioli, artists, developers, and dreamers to join.

Build Open Pizza, the first independent open source pizza francheese.

Tokenize every pizzeria on earth because small businesses should be community-owned.

We’re helping pizzerias around the world use crypto to empower their businesses while giving back to their communities. We believe that small businesses should be community owned and tokenizing the pizzerias in our network using open source technology is a good proof of concept. Beyond that, we believe that pizza is a public good and that Rare Pizzas’ Art to Pizza model can be replicated to solve some of the world’s biggest problems– while spreading joy.

We created Free Pizza Day as a participatory and fun way to apply blockchain technologies. Plus, throwing a global pizza party is a good team-building exercise for Spaceship Earth!

  • We believe markets can be positive sum and can enrich communities.

  • We believe that we can use digital scarcity to bring analog plenty.

  • We believe artists are important members of our community.

  • We believe anyone should be allowed to help others without asking for permission.

  • We believe memes are powerful vessels for raising awareness.

  • We believe in equal inclusion of all pizza toppings (yes, even pineapple).



Charity/ Press

Social Media Examiner

Gitcoin Grants

Our Values

  • Pizza

  • Friendship

  • Teamwork

  • Transparency